Get estimated drug approval dates with our Drug Approval Calculator

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inPhronesis helps our clients model, estimate and track potential drug approval dates and critical catalysts. The Drug Approval Calculator is a simplified version of our Dynamic Timelines solution. Simplified, because it will only allow for one drug approval calculation at a time.

Contact us

Learn how inPhronesis can simplify your life and empower your team with expert consultants and our cloud-based system, inVision.

Chris Martin, MBA, MS


As the president of inPhronesis, Chris is focused on constantly improving inVision, the leading competitive and market intelligence platform for the biopharmaceutical industry, to better meet the changing needs of clients.


With 20 years of experience in roles being a consumer of market and competitive information, Chris understands the needs and priorities of clients. Chris was a senior principal and co-founder of inThought, a life science consulting, market research, and analytics firm. Collaborating with Ben Weintraub, Chris also co-founded BiotechTracker, an online tool for investors and precursor to inVision. Previous to inThought, he was a healthcare analyst and co-portfolio manager at two investment firms. Chris served in health care policy roles at the White House Office of Management and Budget. These roles included Medicare Desk Officer at the Office of Information and Regulatory Affairs, where he was responsible for providing recommendations to senior White House policy officials on healthcare policies and regulations.


Chris has a Master in Business Administration from Harvard Business School, a Master in Engineering from Villanova University, and a Bachelor of Science in Engineering from Cornell University. Prior to attending Harvard Business School, Chris served on two U.S. Navy nuclear submarines and at the Pentagon.